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I'm Parker Wolf, a student at Watkinson School and apart of the Global Studies Program. I've been known to write from time to time, because who doesn't love a good story? I'm also a decent listener and love hearing others' perspectives. Coming from a small suburb outside Hartford, Connecticut, it's nice to learn what everyone else thinks. This contributes to my listening skills as a writer and journalist, and my empathy skills as an actor. You can see some of my roles in the Notable Achievements section below, as well as my opinion pieces for Global Studies in Reflections.

Notable Achievements

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Actor in multiple plays


I am centerstage as King Alonso from The Tempest, a modern interpretation by Nicholas Tallota.

2013 - 2020

Watkinson School



Here I am in Playwriting 101: The Rooftop which was a metatextual comedy about playwriting and dramatic storytelling. 

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